Dyson 首度曝光电动车的真实外观及计划详情

来源:网络 2020年05月25日 04:54

去年十月,Dyson 便正式宣布其电动车的研究项目因为不符合商业效益而正式胎死腹中,而最新品牌的总裁 James Dyson 在接受 The Sunday Times 的一则访谈中就分享计划的详细属性,甚至还公开了一台可以开动的原型车。据悉这台原型车在内部的代号为「N526」,七座设定,车长 5 公尺、阔 2 公尺,设计甚有跑车风格,骤眼看其实有点像 Toyota C-HR 的外形,配置方面拥有相当于 536 匹马力及 66.4 kgm 扭力的双电动马达,百公里加速可以在 4.8 秒内完成,其所搭载的巨大固态电池号更声称有 965 公里的续航力,比 Tesla Model X 的 505 公里超出近一倍。由于有别于一般车厂售卖电动车去降低整体碳排与二氧化氮排放量的大体方针(每家车厂都有整体排放量上限),Dyson 为了确保每台车都有盈利,预计最终产品定价必定超过 15 万英镑,远远超出 Dyson 方面的风险预算,因此最终决定忍痛终止计划。他同时又表示如果未来环境许可的话,Dyson 并不排除重启电动车的开发计画。有兴趣理解更多的朋友可到相关网站查询更多。

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The Sunday Times Rich List: “This is the first one that ran. I drove it secretly in a screened-off compound we have here,” says Sir James Dyson. It is 11am on an early spring day at Dyson’s new research centre in Wiltshire and Britain’s best-known innovator — and now Britain’s richest person — is showing off his most keenly anticipated invention. Keenly anticipated, that is, until he scrapped it. He calls it N526, but to you and me it’s the Dyson car.⁠ ⁠ It’s the first time he has shown the seven-seater, electric SUV with a 600-mile range to anyone outside his firm — the picture, above, is the first to be published. It is also the first time he has confessed how devastated he is that it won’t take to the road. “There’s huge sadness and disappointment. Ours is a life of risk and of failure,” he says. “We try things and they fail. Life isn’t easy.”⁠ ⁠ To read more visit the link in our bio

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